<> xc``d`` `6H&pZ6)@_L.^08mYe:JIb( ^!As& *>. The Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) is forecasting deficits of 0.899m for 2022/23 (6.6 per cent of net budget), and 1.105m (8 per cent) for 2023/24. Capacity for improvement - Is the organisation able to support delivery of local priorities? C0wHrte0UpYZ5Nh>#.fIW IxHm2 c(.Y`$,)%n Dear South Kesteven District Council, please tell me how many managers were employed by the Council on the 14th September on a salary of 50,000 or more. Developing a strategy and plans for future ways of working will reinforce this direction of travel by supporting long-term, joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. This will in turn support decision-making, delivery and morale. David Steels - Assistant Director - Environment and Public Protection, Building Control, 2.7. Enhancing opportunities for closer teamwork between members and officers will help foster greater trust, accountability, and shared understanding and create capacity for elected members to invest in other aspect of their roles. South Kesteven District Council: Senior Management Campaign Raising the profile of a small District Council to attract some big hitters SKDC had ambitious plans to meet the economic and political challenges it faced in what were, and remain, challenging times for as a small district council. Prioritising these activities, including an external health check of company governance structures, will aid this need for rigour by strengthening effective decision-making and risk management. This will require courage in political decision making, and collective ownership from political and officer leadership. It will be important to recognise the value of listening to external challenge and follow through on these reviews to ensure the intended outcomes are achieved. A priority should now be to invest in training for managers to develop their skills and confidence to manage performance, address poor behaviours and lead by example. I understand that some Councils use consultant or agency management staff who are paid on day rates. Massive strides have been taken in developing a new, positive, performance-driven workplace culture. endstream 2. xVKoGV^Illc^;]F"E\ +rAX"C~zvkF,T_`$t?? SKDC can be proud in recognising what it has achieved in the past 18 months and celebrate these accomplishments. Overall rating. Demonstrate that SKDC is different to other councils and is ground-breaking, innovative and working without limits. Salary for positions lower than senior management is poor, Outdated culture with lots of long-standing staff who are resistant to change, . Positive steps have been taken in recent months to foster closer relationships between members and officers at a senior level. This will also help foster a positive external perception of SKDC and those who represent it, as behavioural leadership has an impact externally as well as internally within the organisation. Does the council have the capacity to improve? The multitude of measures taken in recent times to strengthen governance demonstrates SKDCs commitment to this. It was also reported to the Peer Team that unpredictable planning outcomes are affecting the views of developers and could adversely impact their investment decisions. These include reviews of Good Governance, constitution, scrutiny, assets, and plans to introduce the new model Code of Conduct. One interesting feature of the site was the use of two videos from the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive. clarification before further processing, 376K Examples included induction support for newly elected members on how the council works, as well as longer term skill development, including being a Company Director. "4A5ZU>Gw47E^$M'$ ~m@Nv+`\P)L0[8p8DaID@@d9;X#bx ar8X 3,8@dN}Y/367H/znz4h*&ncs>qdp`)\2(9&P`, Y6dxYZ/_ QBES4MT8n)98=`(gEtpQ]E{ Within this, SKDC may also want to consider conducting a skills audit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Continuing to deepen and systemise this engagement with communities would further enhance SKDCs understanding of its citizens and strengthen its role as a place and community leader. We want to help South Kesteven to grow. Significant energies and resources are inevitably focused internally, reflective of SKDCs commitment to deliver against its improvement priorities. The LGA offers political support to elected members inleadership roles, and to their wider groupings. x\]7|nI [w}%k_D$35U5dedfDU_~|j_^]]?w? <> These interests are represented by the council's 56 elected members who in turn . % With deficits forecast in 2022/23 and 2023/24, the challenges of recovering from Covid 19 whilst also pursuing growth aspirations means difficult decisions will need to be taken. Download JFIF C South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. 105 0 obj 8.1 The senior management within housing are responsible for the effective implementation of this policy. 1162 Introducing mandatory EDI training will help ensure the principles of EDI are understood by all within the organisation and that all sectors of the population are catered for by enhancing the councils understanding of its local environment and population. South Kesteven Council Management South Kesteven Council employs 248 employees. Get contact details including emails and phone numbers Does the council have a strategy and a plan to address its financial challenges? South Kesteven District Council owns a large property portfolio, held as a source of Thanks for this tool! Prior to the Corporate Peer Challenges, some Remote Peer Support (RPS) took place in June 2021 reflecting on SKDCs people focused activity around culture, performance and change. endobj Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. P3"NhGAb>>D8?GZ:@IT! 1.3 Aidan Rave has been with the Council for two years and has steered the authority through a period of significant change. South Kesteven District Council, Stephanie Foster, Every decision we make supports these priorities and is centred on protecting lives and livelihoods. Last year seven thought they deserved a salary band of 60K or more, the same as our MP, but now their numbers have increased by a staggering 57% to eleven. <> We are achieving these priorities with such clarity, purpose and efficiency that we are gaining recognition for the results of our work at both a national and a regional level. Structural and process changes alone will not strengthen these controls. mark.edgell@local.gov.uk would be happy to discuss if you would like to explore this further. Joint Chief Executive. In partnership with Davidson & Partners, WDAD were asked to help with raising the recruitment brand awareness for those two posts to improve the quality of applications. Doing so will be important to maintain momentum and focus on its continuing improvement journey and support staff morale, mitigate change fatigue, and reinforce the positive direction of travel. Send email campaigns. SKDC aspires to be a high performing council with this a clear and measurable objective in its Corporate Plan, however some services are starting from a low base. 8 0 obj This could be achieved through the development of clear Member Role Descriptions underpinned by a robust Behavioural Framework and supported by a development session to help embed this. Read what this employee has to say about working at South Kesteven District Council: Housing Department - extremely poor pace to work. It would also appear on a dedicated recruitment microsite to accompany the campaign. /Size 153 /Prev 238394 Further collaboration with partners on shared priorities - such as local skills and zero carbon could help unlock this potential. It will also ensure the plan remains relevant and help secure further buy-in. Corporate Information, Steve also oversees the majority of the services that our residents use every day./p> . Appointing Member Champion Roles for certain priorities could galvanise delivery by adding sharper focus and profile. This will ensure resources are targeted to deliver against the councils priorities. This can be seen through the recognition of inflationary pressures in 2022/23 budget setting process. It covers Bourne, Grantham, Market Deeping and Stamford. dVmC.Y[STlln[1 4.2 We have scheduled meetings with members of the Senior Management Team in December 2010 in order to discuss the 2011/12 Internal Audit Plan, No credit card required. Additionally, this can have an adverse impact on operational delivery, unless officers are empowered to operate with appropriate autonomy. SocietyWorks Ltd Peer challenges are delivered by experienced elected member and officer peers. One of the cookies this site uses is essential for parts of the site to operate and has already been set. 4. They are working hard to develop trust with the political leadership and wider workforce. This report is prepared solely for the use of Council and senior management of South Kesteven District Council. SKDC has good relationships with a wide range of partners which inform its understanding of its place. SKDC can be proud in recognising and celebrating what it has achieved in the past 18 months and looking ahead to achieving its full potential. 24 0 obj <> To find out more about the cookies this site uses and how to delete them, please see the privacy notice. This will be important to drive performance improvements, provide assurance, and ensure there is transparent, accountable, and robust decision-making. Waste and Street Scene, Evonne Rogers- Assistant Director - Corporate and Community Services, IT, <>/Metadata 260 0 R/ViewerPreferences 261 0 R>> endobj Christine Marshall. South Kesteven District Council, CLARE RICHARDSON, << /Linearized 1 /L 239141 /H [ 914 318 ] /O 109 /E 195114 /N 12 /T 238393 >> We used the MJ and sponsored a commercial customer experience conference https://customerengagementconference.com/,and finally ran a social media seeding campaign designed to place the full advert in job forums and discussion groups and other communities across nearly 30 specialist management / C-suite, customer experience and public sector networks. The peer team prepared by reviewing a range of documents and information in order to ensure they were familiar with the council and the challenges it is facing. Environmental Health and Licensing, Similarly, assistance for all elected members to understand their roles has been highlighted as something that would be welcomed. Mrs C Richardson However, if the form youre looking for isnt featured, take a look at our full listings page. Put SKDC on the map (not many would have heard of it let alone know where it is in the UK). Executive summary The past 18 months has seen South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) embark on a wide ranging and impactful organisational change agenda to deliver performance. South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. It will be important to follow through and deliver on SKDCs financial strategy to respond to the challenges ahead. This request has been closed to new correspondence. A strong borough-wide place-based identity and brand tied into the councils vision would help SKDC in realising the districts full potential. Neither had high, glossy production values, but were deliberately shot in a very down-to-earth way to convey an honest and authentic message from both individuals as to why someone should consider joining SKDC. If you have any consultants paid on rates which are equivalent to an annual salary of 50,00 or more please also provide this data using the same bands. For example, there is a genuine goodwill and commitment from much of the workforce to be part of the solution and actively support SKDCs improvement journey. Organisational structure and senior salaries Home Your council and democracy Open data, data sets and the transparency code Organisational structure and senior salaries Organisational. Nevertheless, inconsistencies and variation in culture, behaviours and performance remain. Donate and support our work. Aq2)ep$dILcp"nA6'kkDbD&su@SCp(t6ljo1'#p)(uny^Qf_QZPJ Re Customer Engagement, References to micromanagement, a blame culture, and them and us mentality were reported in relation to the attitude of some councillors towards staff. We are achieving these priorities with such clarity, purpose and efficiency that we are gaining recognition for the results of our work at both a national and a regional level. It will be important to plan ahead so that SKDC has a route map for how when the time is right - it will transition to a more proactive external-facing approach to leverage its local leadership position more fully. Established in 2008. Employment Information as at 1 October 2021, Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives(including general, learning and health and safety representatives), total number (absolute number and full time equivalent)of union representatives who devote at least 50 per cent of their time to union duties, Names of all trade unions represented in the local authority, A basic estimate of spending on unions(calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary). Get a Free Account. This provides a great opportunity to capitalise on the enhanced community focus achieved through the experience of managing the effects of COVID-19. More housing means more council tax and more b South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. 5 0 obj . Deputy Chief Executive (Growth) Adrian Sibley. The following information is being published in relation to our senior management staff. Reviews from South Kesteven District Council employees about South Kesteven District Council culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. SKDC produces an Annual Equality and Diversity Position Statement and seeks to promote equality of opportunity across its functions in line with its public sector equality duty. x The introduction of a Corporate Plan, appraisal system and performance management approach are having a positive impact. South Kesteven District Council, Council Offices, St Peters Hill, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 6PZ Email address safeguarding@southkesteven.gov.uk. A-Z of services 5. (See Local Priorities and Outcomes paragraph). It will also be important to ensure that as the performance management approach evolves it remains proportionate and outcome driven. Strong partnership working was particularly evident in SKDCs response to COVID-19, with examples ranging from the Change 4 Lincs joint working with neighbouring authorities to tackle rough sleeping, through to working with the VCS to tackle the impact on mental health as a result of the pandemic. endobj 1.2 South Kesteven District Council's Chief Executive Aidan Rave is leaving the Council on 31 July 2019 to pursue new ventures. endstream nvesting in individual development (both elected member and officer), and seeking to learn from elsewhere, is important to establish a continuous learning culture to drive forward improvement and change. In conjunction with the illustration, we used the Selima script font, which is also very different to the typical typography used by local councils and even before the message would have been considered, it gave SKDC a very strong point of differentiation in the media. SKDCs organisational leadership has undergone a transformation through a raft of changes introduced over the past 18 months including the appointment of a new Chief Executive, restructures, and service reviews. Sustainable improvement will nevertheless take time to embed, and it is important that it is not overly reliant on key individuals. 5dNv, tOJy~+szT -^;fl5?QLy\E'M;`0MhW>KCK?Fendstream Clearly defining the bounds of the strategic decision-making role of elected members, and the operational leadership of officers, will address the current imbalance and support a positive environment for collaborative member officer working. Join the community to connect with real employees and see what other professionals are saying about their companies. Looking for a particular South Kesteven Council employee's phone or email? SKDC is ambitious for its place. endobj The headline contained a reference to the speed at which the council is progressing Surge forward with smarter thinking and was a call to action for the audience, creating a sense of empowerment and excitement at what applicants could achieve in the roles. ]V?ooJY&dbYEP2iIzX~p(V_Kqe?h'V_1/Af`(3=ZA1hFzB|AC@rF;Erw&q8;`&Q!E$1DeI^Q/2w>i~6c/8Ey The SKDC workforce are a huge asset. South Kesteven District Council Corporate Asset Management Strategy 2022 - 2027 Version Author Date Changes 1.0 Director of Housing and Property 25 April 2022 First draft 1.1 Director of Housing and Property 12 May 2022 Initial revision . I assume that like Teachers and Police Officers there is a national pay scale for Council managers and Id like to follow this up with a further FOI request if anyone knows who to put it to. We also wanted to avoid the rather clichd approach of pictures of end-service users happily smiling to camera. A basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill(calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary divided by the total pay bill). % is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) South Kesteven District Council employees, North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC). South Kesteven District Council The Council is very grateful for all of Aidan's hard work in Get verified emails for Steps to improve behaviours, cross-organisational working, and performance of services, some from a low base, are making a positive difference to the council, its partners, and its community. There is much SKDC can nevertheless be proud of and celebrate. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? 4 0 obj s services through our wholly owned subsidiary Insights into South Kesteven District Council Based on 8 survey responses What people like Time and location flexibility Areas for improvement Sense of belonging Feeling of personal appreciation Energising work tasks Gave them years, left me broken Housing Officer (Former Employee) - Grantham St. John's - 21 October 2021 In presenting feedback, they have done so as fellow local government officers and members. Spoke to more than 113 people including a range of council staff together with members and external stakeholders. 3. endobj View more in the, Funding awarded to the Terry O'Toole theatre, Photo ID needed to vote in elections on May 4. There is a desire from all elected members backbench and Cabinet Members - for greater support for them in their roles to build confidence, skills and knowledge. This is something SKDC can look to capitalise on. Great product!, Sr. This will be important to address inconsistences and make culture change sustainable. To continue using this functionality, please open cookie preferences and accept 'Third Party Cookies'. And the biggest growth is amongst those who earn the most. ContactOut. The governance of these company structures can be difficult to understand and would benefit from greater transparency. There is some scepticism and frustration at continued pockets of poor performance, and sense that vacancies are being held for cost savings, and problematic behaviours such as inconsistent management, poor behaviours, change fatigue and lack of accountability from some teams. Collectively these measures would assist with workforce planning to address resource gaps and improve outcomes for staff and managers. 78FlU;WB2tjALNg*J@&R!Lr[5WNg=EzSBos[{^'qcW,XTi'I4[w3lk_}]-X{WSbYx7Z ^1m For example, the promotion of new #TeamSK values and behaviours is continuing to positively impact on staff morale. Bringing together plans around blended working, staff accommodation, asset management and IT investment will support long-term joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. Several partners talked about a desire to collaborate further with SKDC to deliver on shared priorities. South Kesteven District Council. You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but parts of the site will not work. Pay Council Tax online or by other methods, like direct debit to your local council . You are not currently accepting cookies from this site. southkesteven.gov.uk. endobj external health check of company governance structures, implementation of existing governance reviews etc). xXKo8.Z|"Pmn==x1X]GNCml926]?,)zvvc|fg/w78Q$ Efforts to establish a new positive and performance-driven workplace culture are having positive impact but are not yet permeating consistently across the organisation. E.g. Legal Administrator - Legal Services There is a recognition of the need to strengthen governance across the organisation, from decision-making, through to its arms length structures. As part of the RPS, the peer team reflected that more consistent and comprehensive communications would be needed to achieve its organisational change agenda. This could help to enrich SKDCs understanding of its communities and use this insight to influence decisions and service design. (See Governance and Culture paragraph). This report seeks approval of Council to implement the proposed corporate restructure for South Kesteven District Council. (See Organisational and Place Leadership paragraph). 0{b7'K~U2kmpc2(i0BR x>`p*`2!%5J1#5$p~p,aA1g[q MDNYbIyxcxlc_h\f!mDe+[z4K REG3c2j.\GIArr,N(k^c5l(I? South Kesteven is a district full of promise and potential. Whilst recognising the challenge of a multi-centred geography, SKDC should consider if the districts full potential is being realised, in terms of brand and exploiting its assets. Email: Andrew_McDonough@n-kesteven.gov.uk. This can have a broad impact, such as the officer resources required to service these, the diversion of elected members capacity from strategic decision-making, and adverse bearing on service delivery. 1.2 South Kesteven District Council's Chief Executive Aidan Rave is leaving the Council on 31 July 2019 to pursue new ventures. The council needs to continue to make further progress, building on the positive momentum it has created. <> Partnerships, Download These advancements have been achieved against the challenging backdrop of the Covid 19 pandemic. Web development by WDAD and Designworks, What 2022 had in store for EVP, and what next year might have up its sleeve. -RS1q"!5Mw6p6cJ?M(j7m"Uoi[O\J5V2\j%TPUE2 wLYkxK[)5}(j4qwyOQ._ *o~H[eHF{j /]ch dH0]B& Stoke City Council recently undertook a similar exercise so would be happy to share further information. Local Government Association company number 11177145, Corporate peer challenge: South Kesteven District Council, 3. Are there good relationships with partner organisations and local communities? Business engagement - at a grassroots and strategic level is something the council are proud of and has been visibly championed by the Leader (e.g. %PDF-1.7 11 0 obj Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of members and officers will be important to rebalance this organisational dynamic. <>/Metadata 791 0 R/ViewerPreferences 792 0 R>> Neighbourhood Management, Investing in individual development (both elected member and officer), will help establish a continuous learning culture in which individuals feel supported and equipped which will in turn support performance and outcomes for the public. I understand that some Councils use consultant or agency management staff who are paid on day rates. Owns a large property portfolio, held as a source of Thanks this... 18 months and celebrate these accomplishments to say about working at south Kesteven District Council Stephanie. 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